Hang Glider Parts for Sale

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Lara hang glider parachutes for sale San Francisco bay area
LARA reserve parachutes dealer

New gliders – See the Gliders for Sale page.

stock list updated 10/19/2024


(Does not apply to pickup in Pacifica / Funston, only to orders I have to pack and ship)

  • US only
  • Small items minimum order $150, typical shipping charge $15-$20
  • Long items (tip wands, downtubes, etc.) minimum order $500, typical shipping charge $40-$50


hang glider downtubes / uprights for sale

Wills Wing & North Wing

part#descriptioncompatibilityin stockprice
round downtubes:
40G‑1215round 61.2″Falcon 4 145, Falcon 3 145, Alpha 1804$84
40G-1225round 63.2″Falcon 4 170, Falcon 3 170, Condor 225, Condor 330 (Condors after 6/20/2006)4$84
40G-1235round 64.7″Alpha 210, Alpha 2351$84
40G-1236round 66.2″Falcon 4 195, Falcon 3 1951$97
Litestream downtubes:
40G-1478BLitestream 60″ BlackAttack Falcon 4 1450$139
40G-1478Litestream 60″ SilverAttack Falcon 3 1451$139
40G‑1477BLitestream 62″ BlackSport 3 135, Attack Falcon 4 1704$139
40G-1477Litestream 62″ SilverSport 2 135, Attack Falcon 3 1700$139
40G-1471BLitestream 65″ BlackSport 3 155, Sport 3 170, U2 145, T2 144, Attack Falcon 3 195, Attack Falcon 4 195
North Wing (with “fast foil” upgrade) : Freedom 150, Freedom 170, Liberty 148
40G-1471Litestream 65″ SilverSport 2 155, U2 145, T2 144, Attack Falcon 3 195, Attack Falcon 4 195
North Wing (with “fast foil” upgrade) : Freedom 150, Freedom 170, Liberty 148
40G-1474BLitestream 68″ BlackU2 160, T2 154
North Wing (with “fast foil” upgrade) : Freedom 190, Liberty 158
40G-1474Litestream 68″ Silver – SCRATCHEDU2 160, Sport 2 175, T2 154
North Wing (with “fast foil” upgrade) : Freedom 190, Liberty 158
1$139 $109
Slipstream2 downtubes:
40G-1460BSlipstream2 63.5″ BlackT2C 136, T3 1361$139
40G-1460Slipstream2 63.5″ SilverT2C 1360$139
40G-1459BSlipstream2 65″ BlackT3 144, T3 154, T2C 1441$139
40G-1459Slipstream2 65″ SilverT2C 1440$139
40G‑1446BSlipstream2 68″ BlackT2C 1541$139
40G-1446Slipstream 2 68″ SilverT2C 1542$139
WW will make only the downtubes listed above. Older ones are discontinued.


part#descriptioncompatibilityin stockprice
UPR ROUND 1651 MMround 65″Malibu 1880$78
UPR ROUND 1575 MMround 62″Malibu 1660$78
UPR ZOOM 1655 MM RZoom downtube rightLitespeed RX/RS/S, Litesport, Gecko, Malibu 1880$139
UPR ZOOM 1655 MM LZoom downtube leftLitespeed RX/RS/S, Litesport, Gecko, Malibu 1880$139
UPR ZOOM 1575 MM RZoom downtube small rightMalibu 166, others with small A frame option0$139
UPR ZOOM 1575 MM LZoom downtube small leftMalibu 166, others with small A frame option0$139
others – contact to order

Bottom Side Wires

replacement bottom side wires for sale

Bottom side wires undergo more stress than any other wires and are a critical single point of failure. Due for periodic replacement after ~100 hours or 300 flights, or upon any visible damage. I recommend it after every 2 years of frequent flying, which is easier to track.

Wills Wing

part#descriptioncompatibilityin stockprice
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 4 1450$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 4 1701$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 4 1954$139
40P-3104bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 4 Tandem0$159
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 3 1450$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 3 1700$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 3 1951$139
40P-3104bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 3 Tandem0$159
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 2 1400$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 2 1700$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 2 1950$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 2 2250$139
40P-3104bottom side wires coated 1/8″, setFalcon Tandem0$159
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 1 1400$139
40P-3105bottom side wires coated, setFalcon 1 1700$139
40P-3104bottom side wires coated 1/8″, setFalcon 1 1950$159
40P-3104bottom side wires coated 1/8″, setFalcon 1 2250$159
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setSport 3 1350$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setSport 3 1550$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setSport 3 1700$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setSport 2 1350$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setSport 2 1551$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setSport 2 1750$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setU2 1451$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setU2 1600$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setT3 136, T2C 1360$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setT3 144, T2C 144, T2 1440$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setT2C 154, T2 1540$139
40P-3105bottom side wires uncoated, setT3 1541$139
WW will make wires only for the above gliders.
All wires are 3/32″ (2.4mm) unless otherwise noted. Available coated or uncoated.

Moyes – Contact to order.

Other Flying Wires

hang glider flying wires for sale

Bottom front wires and bottom rear wires are load-bearing and sometimes replaced periodically. Other wires might be good indefinitely. Any wires should be replaced upon signs of damage to the wire or tang.

Wills Wing

part#descriptioncompatibilityin stockprice
40P-4002bridle wires, setSport 2 1551$96
40P-3201bottom nose wires coated, setFalcon 3 1951$104
40P-3201bottom nose wires uncoated, setT2C 1441$116
40P-3302bottom rear wires, setFalcon 3 1952$104
40P-3302bottom rear wires, setU2 1451$104
40P-2202top side wire singleFalcon 1 1951$64
40P-2202top side wires, setU2 1451$128
40P-2301top front wireFalcon 2 195, Falcon 1 1951$64
40P-2301top front wireU2 1451$64
40P-4204sweep wireFalcon 1 1951$86
others – contact to order

Moyes – Contact to order.

Batten Charts

hang glider batten charts / diagrams for sale

Charts $12 $6 each clearance

  • Falcon 3 170/195 (1)
  • Falcon 3 Tandem
  • T2C / T2 136/145/154 – Jan 2009
  • T2 154 – June 8 2005

Other charts for WW & Moyes – Contact to order.

Other Parts

Wills Wing

part#descriptioncompatibilityin stockprice
green VG rope with sewn loop (Robline aftermarket)WW, Icaromany$35
45J-1465hang loop, “stock” lengthSport 3 155, Sport 3 170, Sport 2 155, U2 1451$51
40F-1329round basetube speedbar, almost newFalcon 3/4 145, Falcon 3/4 170, Alpha 180/210/2351$260 $179
70M-1240Litestream wheel kit, usedSport 2/3, U2, Attack Falcon 3/4, some T21$357 $200
40R-7601tip wand 34 3/8″all WW2$200
40C-3200rear leading edge left 76″, usedFalcon 3 1701$362 $200
15H-1260 + 15H-1161batten tip lever & screwall WWmany$5
30G-2000mylar leading edge inserts, setFalcon 4 1951$182
45G-3040batten organizer split bag 45″x20″all models1$61 $40
others – contact to order
aftermarket VG rope


part#descriptioncompatibilityin stockprice
base tube streamlined aluminum black w/ fittingsLitespeed RX/RS, Gecko, Malibu1$479
SB FAST RX/GECbase tube streamlined aluminum black, no fittingsLitespeed RX/RS, Gecko, Malibu1$227
CAR WIP WANtip wand
(cut to size 793mm-866mm)
all Moyes0$177
BAT END FB L&Slever batten tip lever & screwall Moyes50+$5
others – contact to order

Contact – Parts Order

Call or text: David Kiesling 510-754-6842